Transitioning from Workplace Bullying to a Psychological Safety Culture

Article 1 1920w (1)

Safe Work Australia’s Guidelines for the Prevention of Workplace Bullying provides a safety net through government intervention to prevent workplace bullying at a tipping point politically acceptable to organization lobby groups. Further considerations setting that level of response include the cost of providing government and judicial resources to administer mediation. Where this tipping point for […]

Workplace Bullying Protection

Article 14 1920w

The Australian system of workplace bullying protection has four levels of intervention. At the top is when workplace bullying injury happens, and organisations deal with the consequences. In Australia like many other countries, at the second level of protection, we have work health and safety regulations to prevent workplace injury and are adapted to apply […]

Balancing Interests of Employees and Employers

Article 15 1920w

Workplace bullying injury occurs with repeated unreasonable acts done persistently over time. Bullying injury has drastic consequences for employees and employers. The main concern for employers is that the prevention of bullying will affect the operation of their business. The legal protection prevents acts which pose a risk to health and safety, except for reasonable […]

Bullying and Discrimination

Article 13 1920w

Bullying is unreasonable behaviour which poses a risk to health and safety if repeated regularly over time. Reasonable behaviour which does not pose a risk to health and safety can still be discrimination. Discrimination is inconsistent behaviour that adversely effects a member of a protected group. Unlike bullying, discrimination does not need to be repeated […]

Transformational Leadership and Anti-bullying Culture

Article 12 1920w

Transformational Leadership and Anti-bullying Culture The study of the role of leadership in the development of an anti-bullying organizational culture has revealed authentic transformational leadership as the most effective leadership style. Constructive leadership styles using relational communication have been found to reduce the risk of bullying. Autocratic and lasses-faire leadership or non-leadership has been found […]

Performance Management Without Bullying

Article 11 1920w

The use of performance management should be a last resort made with full consideration of all the alternatives and as an admission that either the recruiting process failed the organisation, or the organisation failed the employee in some way. One of the alternatives include the retraining of the employee to meet the skills required of […]

Anti-Bullying for Work, School and Society

Article 8 1920w

Anti-bullying policy is based on risk management under the work health and safety (WHS) duty of care to prevent injury to workers, which can provide a level of protection when it is fully implemented, to prevent bullying before it is repeated. Without this level of protection, we are relying on the legal protections designed to […]

Workplace Bullying Causes and Cures

Article 7 1920w

Workplace bullying injury is caused by bad behavior. The cure is to stop bad behavior before the injury occurs. We can do that through education, guidance policies, and laws. But you need the proper professionals to diagnose and effectively treat your workplace bullying to provide the complete cure. If you talk to a psychology scholar, […]

How to Prevent Workplace Bullying

How To Eliminate Workplace Bullying

How to Prevent Workplace Bullying HR and WHS Managers have free access to the ‘Guide for Preventing and Responding to Workplace Bullying’ produced by Safe Work Australia i . Safe Work Australia is the independent Commonwealth statutory agency with primary responsibility to improve WHS and workers’ compensation arrangements across Australia. In this guide there are […]

Do you have to repeat it to stop it

Article 1 1920w (1)

Workplace Bullying – Do you have to repeat it to stop it? NO! If you follow the usual corporate bullying management policies, the definition of bullying requires someone to repeat it before you can do anything about stopping it. You don’t have to limit yourself to those restrictive policies which lead to legal costs to […]